Our articles


Generator vs. Sublease

Published on 28 September 2020

As a result of Covid-19, businesses are considering more flexible ways of working and/or downsizing their office footprint. As businesses free up space, the supply of subleases or “the flatmate of leasing” type spaces have been on the rise.


Generator member post-lockdown survey

Published on 31 August 2020

In July, we asked members to complete a survey about how they were finding being back at Generator after Lockdown 1.0. Take a look at some of the results.


Q&A with TwentyTwo - Independent Property Advisors

Published on 25 August 2020

We got to chat to Daniel Longmire, an Advisor at Twenty Two about his experiences after the last lockdown. He shares how him and the team got on and also talks about what will be important to businesses and people in the property sector going forward.

Putting the Lens on the Office Sector

Published on 23 July 2020

As organisations return to their workplaces, will this be goodbye to the workplaces of old and hello to a new normal of re-imagined workplace spaces and protocols? Generator GM John Moffett examines.

FAQs: What to look for in an office when moving to a mix of WFH

Published on 22 June 2020

We are seeing lots of businesses scoping out how a mix of WFH with a smaller office space could work for them and several consistent themes are coming through. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions.


Changing workplace landscapes bring new opportunities for small businesses

Published on 02 October 2020

Generator General Manager John Moffett penned an article for Stuff around how Covid-19 has brought new workplace trends and opportunities for SMEs.

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