Published on 03 November 2020

We got to chat to our wonderful Madden Street member, Bonar Bell. He shares with us a bit about his role at ChildFund and we get to learn some fun facts about him. Read on to find out more...

  • Tell us about your company and your role within in?

I’m the Director of Marketing and Fundraising Optimisation at ChildFund New Zealand. We’re an 80+ year old community development organisation focused on improving the lives of children, youth and their families in some of the world’s poorest communities. What makes us different is our unique approach to our work. We may have been around since 1938, but we still act like a start-up. We are always looking for new and innovative ways to help children and youth to thrive and, at ChildFund, we know we’ve been successful because of our Road Map plans, which help communities reach a point of self-reliance. In other words, after 15 years of supporting a community, they no longer need us, and we can move on to help other communities in need.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself?

I’ve been working at ChildFund for nearly 12 years and in that time, I’ve had the chance to travel to many communities and meet many children who are supported by our donors. I support two children through ChildFund’s child sponsorship programme (one in Zambia and one in India), and I am also donating to our Future Fund every month, which helps our organisation create new programmes and ways of impacting children and communities around the world.

  • How long have you been a Generator member?

ChildFund became members of the Generator just after the first lockdown last year. We moved into 12 Madden St. in early June 2020, and haven’t looked back since. We joined Generator because we wanted our organisation to be among some of New Zealand’s most forward-thinking companies. Every week, our entire team meets up to chat about our work and celebrate some of the successes of the past week. We are constantly raving about our experience as Generator members - it has really transformed our working culture!

  • Who is your dream desk buddy?

My dream desk buddy would have to be my eleven-month-old puppy, Pogo. He’s won over the hearts of many people here at 12 Madden, but he still comes to me when I call him. I love the fact that we have an office environment where our furry friends can come and take a nap under our feet. It’s a real bonus (and something I hope never changes). Pogo has recently got a new sister named Penny.

  • What was the last gift you gave someone?

An excellent question! I’m going to use this opportunity to shamelessly plug ChildFund’s Gifts that Grow catalogue. Every year, as we approach the Christmas giving season, I purchase items from our charity gift catalogue for my friends and family. I often start with a budget in mind, and then go onto the website and look for items that I think would suit the interests of my loved ones.

Every gift (goat, chicken, veggie garden, etc.) comes with a printed card (or an e-card for my overseas friends) that I can share with them to let them know what the donation did to help children and youth to thrive. This year will be a little bit different, because I am going to purchase ChildFund gift cards for everyone – this way, they can all go online and choose how they want to spend the donation I’ve made in their honour. It’s a great way to give back during the holidays.

If readers want printed copies of our Gifts that Grow catalogue for their colleagues, clients, family or friends, they can visit our office on level 1, or email me directly at I’d be happy get some to you. Otherwise, head to our website at and start shopping!

- Bonar Bell -