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Tell us a little bit about Easy Tiger:

Will: Easy Tiger was a covid baby, conceived during the first lockdown. I was laid off from a sales job in Sydney due to the pandemic, and came home to help out at my folk's wine shop, Advintage - which had started going gangbusters as the country was stuck home with little else to do. Advintage didn't sell spirits, and weren't keen to either - so I decided to whip up Easy Tiger as a spirits-focused sister-business, and it all evolved from there.

Easy Tiger is undeniably the best place in NZ to buy great bottles of booze. We're an online liquor store, with very sharp "everyday low" prices and a big deal-based focus. We help kiwis experience some of the best liquids from NZ and around the world, by sussing specials directly from the source - to knock down the price and make those pretty bottles on the higher shelfs a little easier to reach. Throw that model in with super speedy shipping, a simple shopping system, and some subpar banter - and we've since managed to convert thousands around the country.

Nearly 4 years into it now, the team has doubled to two - with Jack joining as our Ops Man last October - and we have almost 700 different wines & spirits available online (plus some fun stuff in between), all in the Warehouse, ready to ship from Hawkes Bay. Jack and I run the business out of Generator Stanbeth in Auckland, so we can be closer to the majority of suppliers and distilleries in the Big Smoke.

Best thing about your business?

Will: Looking forward to every meeting. Which almost always involves sitting down with a mad scientist, or creative genius (usually both) and sipping the latest concoction they've whipped up.

What are some business achievements you’re proud of?

Will: We recently picked up all the leftover stock from a gin distillery which sadly went into liquidation.

Several pallets of gin, which we managed to sell in a few weeks. Seeing that in action was a very cool experience, realising how much buzz this little business can generate when the opportunity is right.

What’s your favourite part about working in the Generator Offices?

Will: The people, both staff and fellow co-workers. We wanted a place where we enjoy coming into the office each day, where we can make friends, and go for afterwork drinks. We found that all too easy here.

What has been your favourite Community event you attended?

Will: Tossing up between the Tequila tasting, whisky tasting and gin tasting - genuinely feel terrible for whoever missed out on those extraordinary events.

What song would get you dancing like no one's watching?

Will: The greatest song ever made.
Eye of the Tiger

Chosen karaoke song?

Will: The even more greatester song ever made.
Jack: Love Story - Taylor's version ofc

What is your party trick?

Will: Opening a beer bottle with an A4 piece of paper.
Jack: Bringing a box full of tasting stock.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?


Career: Always act as though you're 35. Whether older or younger.
Personal: Think of that someone who you really care for, that friend/family member who you are always kind to, support, encourage and offer advice to - then treat yourself the same way.


Career: It's not work, if you enjoy it.
Personal: Everything happens for a reason.

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Learn more about Easy Tiger here