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Published on 14 June 2023

Sustainability and event spaces are features of Generator's latest flexible workspace offering, Pipiri Lane in Wynyard Quarter.

Strong and swift return of CBD office-based workers, growing demand for premium event space and near 100% occupancy rates within its existing sites are all reasons why leading flexible workspace provider, Generator, is confident of the future success of its just announced new Wynyard Quarter site – Pipiri Lane.

Pipiri Lane – due for completion in 2025 is part of Precinct Properties Wynyard Quayside development and will be Generator’s sixth location in Auckland. At 1,828sqm the site will offer a limited number of private offices, co-working, member lounge and a large meeting and events suite.

Lauren Joyce, General Manager, Generator, says modeling shows that Wynyard Quarter’s office worker population is set to grow by more than 2,000 people in the next three years. Last year Beca announced they were relocating to the area and will occupy 14,000 sqm of the Wynyard Quayside development.

“That’s one of many key reasons we’re confident we’ll continue to see solid and growing demand for what Pipiri Lane offers when it comes online in 2025.”

Joyce adds that Generator’s existing Wynyard Quarter site – Generator 12 Madden Street - continues to be at record occupancy with hot desk bookings being made up to six months in advance.

"In fact, we’re experiencing high occupancy and strong levels of enquiry right across our sites in Auckland. Not just individual, non-resident desk requests; Global and large local businesses also recognise the benefits that Generator can provide in regard to bigger, fully fitted-out managed office suite options which can free up their balance sheets during these uncertain economic times, plus where fit-out and office management is all taken care of.

“Events and meeting space demand has also grown exponentially post Covid and Pipiri Lane will be equipped to fulfil that amenity need from the growing number of businesses like Beca with plans to relocate to the area,” says Joyce.

A highlight of the new facility, and unique among Generator’s stable of venues, will be its 500 person capacity event space – featuring state of the art AV technology and sweeping views over Viaduct Basin. “The interior design and timber architecture will make for an incredibly special space for our clients to workshop, conference, and celebrate within” says Joyce.

We’re regularly seeing demand for more sustainably-focused workspaces from our members and clients, and the impressive sustainability credentials of the building is something we will be reflecting within our site operations and the values of the member companies that occupy Pipiri Lane,” Lauren Joyce, Generator General Manager

Precinct Properties CEO, Scott Pritchard, says they have pushed the boundaries on the new Pipiri Lane Building design to accommodate both its sustainable timber construction and the span of its column free space on the second level.

“We’re very excited to be developing a timber building for the first time and we wanted to ensure we future-proofed its usage beyond office accommodation as well its appeal from a sustainability perspective.”

By utilising timber in the main structural elements of the building (columns, beams and flooring) Precinct are forecasting around a 70% reduction in embodied carbon in comparison to a traditionally built building that uses steel and/or concrete.

Operationally, Pipiri Lane will have no fossil fuel supplies (gas, diesel generators) whilst purchasing electricity that is certified 100% renewable.

Generator, owned by Precinct Properties, is proud to be associated with the sustainably focused facility.

“We’re regularly seeing demand for more sustainably-focused workspaces from our members and clients, and the impressive sustainability credentials of the building is something we will be reflecting within our site operations and the values of the member companies that occupy Pipiri Lane,” says Joyce.

“Pipiri Lane is a great example of how flex working can support individual businesses ESG (Environment, social, corporate governance) requirements.

Many businesses now want the provision of office space that assists in meeting their ESG considerations as well as providing them access to an environmentally sustainable workspace – such as the space leased being limited to what is actually needed and able to be reduced or enlarged at any time,” adds Joyce.

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