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Published on 02 May 2024

We're here to make your next AGM a success with a comprehensive step-by-step guide.

We're here to your next AGM a success with a comprehensive step-by-step guide.

First things first, let's talk venues.

In Wellington, you can’t look past Pūtahi at Bowen Campus, ready to roll with state-of-the-art technology. Combined, Pūtahi 1 and 2 can accommodate 112 guests in a theatre-style setup, or the venue can be divided for smaller AGMs.

In Auckland, the Meeting Suites at Commercial Bay offer all the essentials in a premium location. Toroa in the PwC Tower can accommodate 120 guests in a theatre-style setup, while Tuhono in HSBC is suitable for 80 guests’ theatre-style. We also provide smaller venues for more intimate AGMs.

These spaces are fully equipped with the latest AV technology and supported by our in-house team, so you won't have to deal with additional suppliers (or costs!)

We recommend getting your AGM venue locked in as early as possible to take the stress out of planning.

Scroll for the rest of our hot tips...

Pūtahi 1+ 2, Wellington

Toroa, Commercial Bay

10 step guide on how to plan an Annual General Meeting (AGM):

1. Understand the Purpose and Legal Requirements:

If you are planning an AGM, your company secretary or investor relations team are your new best friends! In New Zealand your AGM needs to held within six months of the end of your financial year.

Before you start planning it helps to understand the purpose of the AGM. It's usually to review the company's performance over the past year, elect directors, appoint auditors, and discuss any other relevant matters. Familiarise yourself with legal requirements regarding notice periods, quorum, agenda items, and voting procedures.

You can find out when NZX listed companies are holding their AGMs on the NZX website - this can help to avoid clashes.

2. Location, Location, Location:

Choose a date, time, and location that prioritises the convenience for your attendees. Central locations like Generator's Commercial Bay spaces, PwC Tower, or HSBC Tower in Auckland that can host upwards of 100 attendees in a theatre style setting. In Wellington our recommendation is Pūtahi at Bowen Campus.

These spaces offer accessibility and amenities such as nearby parking, public transport within walking distance and top-notch catering.

With the rising popularity of hybrid meetings, these spaces provide facilities for both in-person and remote participation, including fast Wi-Fi and built-in technology. This forward-thinking approach caters to the evolving needs of attendees joining locally or around the country and overseas.

3. Prepare and Distribute Notices:

Send out formal notices to all shareholders, directors, and other relevant parties well in advance of the meeting. Include details such as the date, time, location, agenda items, and any special requirements. Make sure to comply with legal notice periods – this is super important!

4. Develop the Agenda:

Create a comprehensive agenda outlining all the items to be discussed during the AGM. Include standard items like approval of previous meeting minutes, financial reports, director elections, and any proposed resolutions. Leave room for open discussion or Q&A sessions if necessary.

5. Arrange Presentations and Reports:

Coordinate with relevant departments or individuals to prepare presentations, reports, and financial statements to be presented during the AGM. Ensure that all materials are accurate, up-to-date, and compliant with regulatory standards plus any branding included.

6. Organise Logistics:

Arrange logistics such as seating arrangements, audio-visual equipment, set up at location chosen, name tags, catering with dietary requirements of attendees covered and any other necessary materials or services. Make sure everything is set up and tested well before the meeting starts. Based on your bookings requirements, your Generator Event manager will be on site at least an hour prior to the event, to assist in set up and tech trials to ensure everything is in perfect working order.

7. Manage Registration and Attendance:

Set up a registration process to check in attendees as they arrive. Provide any necessary documentation or materials at this stage, such as agendas, ballots, or proxy forms. Keep track of attendance to ensure a quorum is met.

8. Facilitate the Meeting:

Start the meeting on time and follow the agenda closely. Ensure that all necessary resolutions are proposed, discussed, and voted on according to the established procedures. Facilitate open and respectful discussion among attendees while maintaining control of the meeting.

9. Record Minutes:

Assign someone to take detailed minutes of the meeting, documenting key discussions, decisions, and actions taken. The minutes should be accurate, impartial, and approved by the attendees before being finalized.

10. Follow Up:

After the AGM, distribute the approved minutes to all attendees and stakeholders. Follow up on any action points or resolutions that were agreed upon during the meeting. Evaluate the success of the AGM and gather feedback for improvement in future meetings.

We hope this helps!